About Me

random memoriesThank you for your interest and welcome to my page! 

I am a single parent to a toddler who is very bright and loving. I am sometimes overwhelmed with the responsibility of raising such a spirited son.

My life is a queer mix of gloom and optimism; of the expected and the ironic. The biggest being my joy at having a beautiful boy ironically crossed with the death of my dreams of a life partner.

But I am at peace with the relationship status and a life of métro-boulot-dodo. I haven’t turned bitter or cynical. Just more focused and clear about this existence.

Nevertheless, life is beautiful. And I am a hopeless romantic, forever trusting, and always feeling deeply about everything. I like to smile a lot and have fun but I do not like to be callous or frivolous about any matter.

I am desperately in love with Jesus Christ and my son. And I am very grateful for my good health, a good education, a good job and a huge support group of family and friends.   🙂

This blog is a sort of new beginning for me. Something that is just ‘my space’. My annoymous life, away from the life I live, where i share myself, my thoughts, my moments or just rant and rave.

And most importantly, I hope for this blog to be something that I look forward to doing. My joie de vivre. A bright spot in an otherwise mundane life.

I sincerely thank you for visiting my blog and adding to my joy.

23 responses

  1. Thank you for your story about you. Please consdier John 17:3, as it relates to a spiritual relationshiip with God through Jesus.

  2. Pingback: Liebster Award 2013 | Becoming a Catholic

  3. You said you are a single parent, is that your daughter in the headbar? Wow, she’s got a beautiful hair. 🙂

    Here I hope it is not too late to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success. I would like to thank you because you continue following my blog. I hope my blog posts do not disappoint and that your visits in there have been a joyful ride.

    Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

    • Hi Subhan,

      Thanks for visiting my blog. It led me to yours. You are quite a write/poet. I wish you heaps of blessings and luck in your endeavour to publish a best-seller.

      And no, that’s not my daughter. As mentioned in my About Me part, I have a son 🙂 and he’s here

  4. Pingback: Mein liebster Leser: My dear readers « The Lonely Pilgrim

    • Thank you so much Tapish for the nomination.

      Forgive me for sounding stupid, but what is the Liebster award for?

      You had nominated me for an award once before and I was too new to know how to go ahead. I have since seen a lot of posts on the awards topic and have seen the award widgeted on blogs, so now i know how to acknowledge the nomination. Will follow the instructions this time 🙂

      • My pleasure!

        Liebster(in German) means favorite/dearest in English. So this award says that you’re one of my favorite bloggers here on WP. 🙂

        Yes I remember I did, so do follow up this time 🙂
        Keep rocking!

  5. looking forward to more writings from you. we don’t read so much from your part of the world down here in Tasmania, Australia.
    the gold rush here left many myths about the past buried under the aboriginal story. i’m doing a little to unearth these in my other blog http://www.biggoldmountain.wordpress.com
    keep upi the effort to reach out through your blog, its reading well already.

    • I know what you mean bw. And let me tell you, I am NOT bitter about my situation. I am at peace.

      I would like some things differently, but they are NOT mandatory to my happiness.

      I am aware that I am blessed more than I care to be grateful for.

      Thanks for liking and following my blog. After reading your ‘About Me’ a couple days ago, i did wish i could meet you someday. 🙂

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